Thursday, September 15, 2011

And the winner is...

I was upset to see only 3 people entering the make-up competition but ever still, that made it harder to choose our winner.

After some really badly timed communication errors on Stardoll's behalf, I have finally been able to give the results.

The 3 contestants - MMAlovergirl, Pikandchew and BellaCullen4210 all chose completely different takes on the peaceful make-up theme.

Here are the 3 styles:




All 3 styles are unique and I loved them all however, we could only have one winner

So, the winner is... *Drum Roll* ... Pikandchew

Congratulations, both me and Audrey thought that your make-up was just so unexpected and original that you were the winner of 1OOsd and instant make-up of the week.

What do you think?

Peace out.

- Megan